1. Types of media
- Photoblogs- Blogs that focus more on publishing photos rather than text (Levine, 2004)
Example: stanleyliew.blogspot.com
- Vlogs- A form of blogging presented through video (New England Film, 2006)
Example: nuttymadam3575
- Linklogs- Blogs that features one hyperlink of anything the blogger found interesting per entry (RECAP, 2009)
Example: Jennifer's Link Log
- Sketchlogs- Blogs which contents are primarily artwork or drawings by the blogger
Example: Kristen's Sketch-Blog
2. Subject matter
- Political blogs
Example: Lim Kit Siang
- Entertainment blogs
Example: Am I Right?
- Gossip blogs
Example: Perez Hilton
I feel that the best method of classifying blogs is by the subject matter approach. The distinguishing characteristic of subject matter blogs is that they focus on a specific genre and topic. This makes it easier for search engines to list them because it is clear what the blogs are about. It also makes it easier for bloggers to earn money because they can narrow down the advertisements to products and services directly related to the genre of their blog. (Hewitt, 2007)
- Hewitt, J.C. 2007, "Blogging as a Publishing Business: Subject Matter Blogs," online, retrieved 18 November 2009, from http://www.poewar.com/blogging-as-a-publishing-business-subject-matter-blogs/
- Levine, A 2004, "What is this PhotoBlogging Stuff?" online, retrieved 18 November 2009, from http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/show/tcc04/photoblog/
- Librari*s & ‘Blogs 2004, "Types of Blogs," online, retrieved 18 November 2009, from http://www.slais.ubc.ca/COURSES/libr500/03-04-wt2/www/J_Thomson/types.htm
- New England Film 2006, "Media Revolution: Podcasting (Part 2)" online, retrieved 18 November 2009, from http://newenglandfilm.com/news/archives/2006/02/podcasting.htm
- RECAP 2009, "Linklogs and Social Bookmarking," online, retrieved 18 November 2009, from http://recap.ltd.uk/Web2/bookmarking.php
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